Sunday, March 29, 2009

The stupid things people do

So last night at like 9pm I went in to town to get some cigarettes. Well as im driving I look out of my rear view mirror and see this guy skateboarding down the road. I don't think much about it other than I hope that he gets where he needs to go safe, since he wasn't wearing any proper relfecting gear. Well as im on my way home I see the same guy still skateboarding. So then I start thinking to myself, dude how stupid can he be. He's not wearing any reflectors, and it's 9pm at night. That's not safe. Like a car could hit him because they either just didn't see him, or didn't see him in enough time to allow their car to come to a complete stop. Or someone could see him, try to swerve to miss him and end up hurting themselves. So being concerned I called 911. Now I didn't know if that was the proper number to call, and plus I didn't have any other number to call. So the 911 operator picks up and I tell her whats going on and what not. She says they will get someone out that way to check it out.

Let me say that I am in no way trying to offend anyone by this. Because I don't have a problem with skateboarders, like they dont bother me. It's either their only way to get around or they just prefer to get around that way. The problem I had with this guy last night is, not only was it 9pm so it was obviously dark, but the road he was skateboarding on wasn't the safest road to be skateboarding on at night. Like there's curves on that road and driveways that come out to the road.

So anyway, now that ive vented about that let me just say that it's cool if you skateboard but atleast be smart about it. If you are going to skateboard at night then wear reflectors. Because by not doing that are you putting yourself at risk of getting injured as well as putting other peoples lives at risk.

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