Sunday, March 29, 2009

The Haunting In Connecticut


So yesterday I got a call from one of my closest friends who asked me if I wanted to go to the movies with her to see "The Haunting In Connecticut". She said that her brother was suppose to be going with her but that he had fallen asleep and couldn't get him up and so she didn't wanna waste the tickets. Even though I was the 2nd or third on her list I didn't care. I was just happy that she called, so automatically I said yea sure! I was extremely happy that she had called and asked if I wanted to go since I hadn't talked with her in a little while. The reason we haven't talked lately is because she said that she needed some space from people and things in her life. Which I could completely understand. Well anyway, it was really spur of the moment(like 4:30pm) when she called so I only had a very short time to get ready since the movie started at 5pm. So I took one of the fastest showers that I think ive ever taken in my life. Luckily we had a little extra time to spare since we all know that even though it says a movie will start at 5 that just means that the commercials start at 5pm. So we really had probably close to 10 or 15 minutes extra to get to the movie.

Well I pick her up and we get to the theater and we get our drinks and popcorn and we walk in to the movie like 1 minute before the movie starts. I must say that we had good timing! So we find out seats and get comfortable and all is good until a group of people who might I add didn't have their movie theater voices with them come in to the theater and sit RIGHT BEHIND my friend and I. To make matters even worse the people brought a FREAKIN BABY to the movie. We were both like damn, how stupid can you be! So the movie starts, and they wont shut up, and they wont keep their baby quiet(which I know is hard to do, but why bring your baby to a movie theater?) That just goes to show that common sense isn't common with everybody! So after sitting there for a good 10 minutes we had had enough of their noise so we move to the front section of the theater. We could still hear the baby but it was much better than it was before except for the fact that it seemed like everytime there was a really good and intense scene in the movie the baby would start making noises. But atleast we weren't right in front of them by that point.

So on to my review of the movie. I thought that over all it was a really good movie. There were a lot of really intense scenes, and I would say that there was some mystery involved(you will just have to see the movie to know what im talking about). All im going to say is that it was based on a true story. I felt like it was well written, well put together and that the actors did a really great job. It defenitely kept me on my feet the majority of the time. I normally dont go to the movies for a few reasons. One being that it's just so expensive. I feel like, why pay $8.00 plus the price for drinks and whatever food you want to go and see a movie you aren't even sure you are going to like. Another reason being people just dont know how to act during a movie a prime example is what my friend and I had to deal with. Now don't get me wrong, I do ON OCCASION like going to the movies, because it is fun. But I just prefer to go to the movie rental place picking out my movie, and watching it at home. Because I feel like its so much more convienent. Like if you miss something you can rewind the movie, or if you have to go to the bathroom or get a refill on your drink you can press pause. Plus you don't have to worry about people being loud, and if for some reason you do have to deal with people being loud as I said you can press pause or rewind. So enough with my ranting about movie places. Over all I had a really great time seeing the movie. I would defenitely reccomend this movie to someone who is thinking about going to the movies, and Id defenitely go and see it again, if I decided to go to the movies. Plus another great thing about going yesterday is that I got to spend some good quality time with one of my closest friend, and that meant a lot!


  1. I was wondering about that movie. My cousin told me it was so scary and she told me to go see it. Haven't had the chance yet. Glad I got your recommendation. And I'm sorry you had to deal with that. I had to deal with that too...When I went to see Cadillac Records, Prom Night, and a lot more...ugh...people. LOL! Good post!

  2. Thanks I appreciate it! I defenitely reccomend you going to see it. I really liked it.
